Saturday, December 15, 2012

This IS the day

Children shot and killed, others terrorised and cowed, a 20 year old man kills himself and it leaves us gasping with grief and incredulity.

I visited this subject all too recently after the murders in the Cinema showing 'The Dark Knight' so I will simply refer you back to there.

On Twitter I was called a 'slimy liberal' for a comment. Probably indicative of the difficulty for Americans to have a reasonable and mature discussion about the topic of gun control or just the level of debate social media is capable of.

I am hopeful that Obama with the shackles of first term Presidency off his hands might show the courage (although why it should take courage is a question onto itself) to say 'enough' and bring America into the 21st Century and ask why that great nation has to have most citizens armed when very few other countries survive without that 'need'. I do believe that Americans are wholly decent and moral people but the chink in the armour is this madness of owning a gun. And as I said in the other blog, no one else 'bearing arms' prevented this ghastly sadness happening in Newtown today. So what is the f**cking point? It is maddening and loony logic. And more and more it is becoming simply indecent.

Today has to be the day or at least the first of days.

And it has to be the last of the days, please dear God...I don't want to see another one of these moments of horror. It is NOT evil at work (that seems to me to be such a cop out), it is one sad person taking their moment in the limelight, acting out on some pathetic need whether as a result of mental illness or simple cruelty. And, you know what, it could NOT have happened in a society that had tight gun controls or believed in every citizens 'right to bear arms'.

I am so sorry for the families of these children,teachers and others who have died. To the classmates and surviving staff and parents of children spared, to the emergency teams and hospital staff, the journalists who cover the stories and to all of us left wondering why, our thoughts are with all of you...take a moment to reflect.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes indeed. Surely when little kids start to die they must see the need to change.
