Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Review: 13 Minutes - A Great Time

13 Minutes

Starring: Christian Friedel, Katharina Schuttler
Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel
Written by: Fred Breinersdorfer, Léonie-Claire Breinersdorfer

114 Minutes      Rated MA 15+ 

I reckon Adolf Hitler was the luckiest despot ever to live. If we believe what we are told he narrowly escaped death in assassination attempts more times than anyone else. Were all the would be assassins unfortunate, unlikely or incompetent or did Adolf just have a whole lot of inexplicable luck? Surely his redoubtable badness ought to have wrought the worst Karma upon him. And yet…
The film 13 Minutes is about Georg Elser a resistance fighter from a small town in the Swabian Alps who builds a bomb which he plants in Munich’s Bürgerbräukeller. The plan is for the bomb to explode as Hitler is speaking on November 8 1939 and tear him apart. If this had happened history could have been changed and maybe Nazism and the war might have been stuffed. But…Hitler left the scene early, 13 minutes early and thus Elser failed.  He is found, arrested and imprisoned. Thus we find ourselves in a suspenseful and fascinating story of an intriguing man who saw what was developing in his homeland and wanted it to stop.
We see Elser in his hometown, in Munich, in prison and eventually in Dachau where his timing is not as fortunate as Hitler’s; in fact it is poignantly awful.
Christian Friedel is brilliant as Elser, calm and slight but also seething anger underneath it all. He sparkles and convinces and delivers a spot on riveting and touching performance. He is more than matched by Katharina Schuttler, Burghart Klaussner and Johann Von Bulow.
In the hands of director Oliver Hirschbiegel (also responsible for the masterpiece ‘Downfall’) this is a stunning and accomplished movie about a moment in history that is fascinating. Here’s the man who tried to kill Hitler and faced his torturers prepared to tell them to their faces that he wanted to prevent the bloodshed of what was to come, to save his fellow citizens and his homeland from them. How extraordinary is that?
I loved this film, found the story incredible and was riveted by the acting.
Make some space in your diary and see this movie.
4 ½ out of 5  

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